Account Info

# Details Amount
1 Account Balance: $23,146.98
2 Pending Charges: $0.00
3 Available Balance: $23,146.98
4 PPC Balance: $0.00
5 Monthly Renewal Price (next month): $0.00
# Name Approved Pending Cancelled Expired All
1 LinkAds 0 0 30 21 53
2 LinkAds 0 0 30 21 53
3 LinkAds 0 0 30 21 53
4 LinkAds 0 0 30 21 53
5 LinkAds 0 0 30 21 53

Message Center

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# Link Date Time
1 Request for LinkWorth Login 09/23/2022 15:46:58
2 Request for LinkWorth Login 09/23/2022 15:46:58
3 Request for LinkWorth Login 09/23/2022 15:46:58
4 Request for LinkWorth Login 09/23/2022 15:46:58
5 Request for LinkWorth Login 09/23/2022 15:46:58

Alert Message Success

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. strong message. Cool Notification Css Style

Alert Message Success

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. strong message. Cool Notification Css Style

Alert Message Success

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. strong message. Cool Notification Css Style

# Name # of items
1 Example text wishlist link here
2 Example text wishlist link here
3 Example text wishlist link here

Featured Partner Listings & Current Month Account Activity

# Ad Type Partner Site / Package Ad Name Price Date Set
1 Type one Standared Test $500
2 Type one Standared Test $500
3 Type one Standared Test $500
4 Type one Standared Test $500
# Ad Type Partner Site / Package Ad Name Price Date Set
1 Type one Standared Test $500
2 Type one Standared Test $500
3 Type one Standared Test $500
4 Type one Standared Test $500
# Ad Type Partner Site / Package Ad Name Price Date Set
1 Type one Standared Test $500
2 Type one Standared Test $500
3 Type one Standared Test $500
4 Type one Standared Test $500
# Ad Type Partner Site / Package Ad Name Price Date Set
1 Type one Standared Test $500
2 Type one Standared Test $500
3 Type one Standared Test $500
4 Type one Standared Test $500
# Ad Type Partner Site / Package Ad Name Price Date Set
1 Type one Standared Test $500
2 Type one Standared Test $500
3 Type one Standared Test $500
4 Type one Standared Test $500
# Ad Type Partner Site / Package Ad Name Price Date Set
1 Type one Standared Test $500
2 Type one Standared Test $500
3 Type one Standared Test $500
4 Type one Standared Test $500