Linkpost Info

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Buy LinkPosts FAQ

What is a LinkPost?

A LinkPost is a paid blog post written by a partner about your website, product or service.

What are the prerequisites to buy LinkPosts?

First thing you need to do is Create a LinkPost Outline. The outline is a set of guidelines and requirements that partners must follow when accepting and writing your LinkPost.

What is the difference between 'Review URL' and 'Link URL' in the Create Outline form?

'Review URL' is the actual URL the partner will review, and the 'Link URL' is the URL the partner will use to make a link back to your site.

What are the keywords used for in the Create Outline form?

The partner will use at least one of those keywords to make a link back to your site.

What is the 'Review Type' in the Create Outline form?

It is the kind of review the partner will write. If 'Positive' is not checked, the partner will consider it as a neutral review where he can say positive things about your website as well as negative things.

Do I have to create a LinkPost Outline for each LinkPost I buy?

No, you can use the same LinkPost Outline over and over again.

Is the price I pay for LinkPosts a monthly price?

No, this is a onetime deal. You pay for it and it should remain published for at least one year.

Have any other questions?

Submit a ticket letting us know if you experience any problems or have suggestions to help us improve our website. Click here

About Linkpost

LinkPost allows you to buy blog post style reviews of your products and/or services from a partner.

Want to learn more before you start buying LinkPosts? Scroll down and read our "Buy LinkPosts FAQ."

Don't want to pick LinkPost Partners? Let them pick you based on your specific needs. Our new LinkPost Jobs section will help you accomplish that. Want to learn more about LinkPost Jobs? Scroll down and read our "LinkPost Jobs FAQ."

LinkPost Jobs FAQ

What is a LinkPost Job?

A LinkPost Job is a mass-invitation to Partners to write paid blog posts about your product or service. As an Advertiser, you determine a budget and set of minimum requirements that a partner's blog must meet in order for them to participate. (The minimum requirements will limit the number of blogs qualified to write your LinkPosts.) Once you've created a Job, Partners can view and accept your Job (if eligible) through the Control Center until all of your Jobs have been accepted.

What are the prerequisites to create a LinkPost Job?

The only thing you need is an existing LinkPost Outline to create a LinkPost Job.

What are the minimum conditions I need to specify?

» Price per LinkPost (price you will pay per LinkPost written).
» Number of LinkPosts (the number of LinkPosts you want to buy).
(The previous two values will determine the budget for the specific LinkPost Job you're creating.)
» Minimum LinkRank
» Alexa Ranking Range
» Minimum Active LinkPosts
» Maximum Outbound Links
» Monthly Posting Activity.
» Blog Candidates. (if you want bloggers to be automatically approved when they meet your job criteria or if you want to review/approve them beforehand)
» Approval Process. (if you want to review/approve LinkPosts or have LinkWorth review/approve them for you)

What's the difference between a LinkPost and a LinkPost Job?

A LinkPost allows an advertiser to handpick the partner sites where the blog post will be published. An outline is created, then sent to a list of partner websites desired. The cost is determined by the Partner who sets their own pricing. From a Partner's perspective, you would list your blog and let the requests come to you.

A LinkPost Job allows an advertiser to post an outline as a "Work For Hire," based on minimum requirements and a price they're willing to pay. Once the 'Job' is posted, Partners will have the chance to accept the work rather than waiting for requests to come to them. This method gives all qualifying bloggers the opportunity to earn.

How do I know what option is right for me?

If you want to select partner blogs yourself you should Create a LinkPost Outline and then use our Search/Purchase option to find blogs that satisfy your needs. If you don't want to pick partner blogs then you have to Create a LinkPost Outline, Create a LinkPost Job and then wait for partner blogs to accept your offer.

What happens after I create a LinkPost Job?

Your LinkPost Job will be automatically approved as long as you have enough funds to cover the total budget. Then, partners can accept your LinkPost Job if their blog satisfy your minimum conditions.

If a partner doesn't meet my LinkPost Job conditions, can he still accept it?

No. Even though partners are able to see all LinkPost Jobs available, they can only accept those who meet the minimum conditions.

Can a given partner accept my LinkPost Job multiple times using different blogs?

No, partners can accept only one LinkPost Job per account.

If I decide to review/approve Blog Candidates, where can I do that?
If I decide to review/approve LinkPosts myself, where can I do that?
What happens once my LinkPost Job is fulfilled?

The LinkPost Job will become unavailable.

Have any other questions?

Submit a ticket letting us know if you experience any problems or have suggestions to help us improve our website. Click here