
Website Information
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  1. Download this CSV file by right-clicking it and selecting Save Target As... CSV HERE
  2. Open your file using Microsoft Excel and fill up the corresponding fields with your multi-URL rotating ad information.
  3. WARNING: Please DO NOT USE double quotes in any of the fields.
  4. Save your file.
  5. Provide the location of your CSV File using the form below, and hit the "Read File" button.
  6. Your multi-URL rotating ad information will appear in the textboxes above.
 Category Name Category ID
 Arts & Humanities 1
   - Animation 114
   - Antiques 115
   - Architecture 116
   - Body Art 117
   - Comics 132
   - Costumes 118
   - Dance 119
   - Design 120
   - Entertainment 121
   - Movies 123
   - Music 122
   - Photography 124
 Business & Economy 2
   - Accounting 125
   - Adult Related 101
   - Business Services 133
   - Customer Service 126
   - E-Commerce 127
   - Education and Training 128
   - Employment 129
   - Finance and Investment 106
   - Gambling 102
   - Healthcare 134
   - Hospitality 135
   - Human Resources 130
   - Information Technology 136
   - Legal 261
   - Marketing and Advertising 131
   - Real Estate 108
   - Shopping 170
 Clothing & Accessories 17
   - Apparel & Accessories 257
   - Jewelry & Watches 258
   - Shoes 259
 Computers & Internet 3
   - Blogs 103
   - Data Communications 137
   - E-Books 138
   - Games 139
   - Graphics 140
   - Hardware 144
   - Hosting 109
   - Message Forums 105
   - Multimedia 141
   - Open Source 142
   - Programming 143
   - Security 145
   - Software 146
 Education 4
   - Adult Education 253
   - Colleges & Universities 255
   - Distance Learning 254
   - K-12 256
 Entertainment 5
   - Actors 248
   - Comics & Animation 252
   - Humor 251
   - Movies & Film 249
   - Music 247
   - TV Shows 250
 Government 6
   - Countries 242
   - Law 243
   - Military 244
   - Politics 245
   - U.S. Government 246
 Health & Fitness 7
   - Addictions 149
   - Alternatives 110
   - Beauty 150
   - Conditions and Diseases 147
   - Dentistry 151
   - Men's Health 155
   - Mental Health 148
   - Pharmacy Related 104
   - Reproductive Health 152
   - Services 153
   - Weight Loss 154
   - Women's Health 156
 Home & Family 8
   - Apartment Living 157
   - Cooking 158
   - Gardening 159
   - Home Improvement 160
   - Moving and Relocating 161
   - Pets 162
   - Wedding 260
 Insurance 18
   - Auto 262
   - Commercial 267
   - Dental 263
   - Health 264
   - Home 265
   - Life 266
   - Medicare 268
 News & Media 9
   - Internet Broadcasts 163
   - Journalism 240
   - Journals 164
   - Magazines and E-zines 165
   - Newspapers 166
   - Radio 241
   - Television 167
   - Weather 169
   - Weblogs 168
 Recreation & Sports 10
   - Automotive 107
   - Aviation 234
   - Gambling 235
   - Games 236
   - Hobbies 237
   - Outdoors 238
   - Sports 239
 Reference 11
   - Calendars 232
   - Dictionaries 229
   - Encyclopedias 231
   - Libraries 228
   - Phone Numbers & Addresses 226
   - Postal References 233
   - Quotations 227
   - Thesauri 230
 Regional 12
   - Africa 214
   - Asia 215
   - Carribean 216
   - Central America 217
   - Europe 218
   - Latin America 219
   - Mediterranean 220
   - Middle East 221
   - North America 222
   - Oceania 223
   - Pacific Rim 224
   - South America 225
 Science 13
   - Agriculture 202
   - Astronomy 203
   - Biology 204
   - Chemistry 205
   - Computer Science 206
   - Earth Sciences 207
   - Ecology 208
   - Engineering 209
   - Geography 210
   - Mathematics 211
   - Physics 212
   - Space 213
 Social Science 14
   - Area Studies 194
   - Communications 195
   - Economics 196
   - Ethnic Studies 197
   - Human Languages 198
   - Political Science 199
   - Psychology 200
   - Sociology 201
 Society & Culture 15
   - Advice 182
   - Crimes 183
   - Cultures & Groups 184
   - Death & Dying 185
   - Environment & Nature 186
   - Food & Drink 187
   - Holidays & Observances 188
   - Issues & Causes 189
   - Museums & Exhibits 190
   - Online Dating 111
   - People 191
   - Religion & Spriituality 192
   - Sexuality 193
 Travel 16
   - Backpacking 171
   - Business Travel 172
   - Cruises 173
   - Family Travel 175
   - Flights 113
   - Hotels 112
   - Luggage and Accessories 176
   - Maps 177
   - Resorts 179
   - Transportation 180
   - Travel Directories 174
   - Travel Photos 178
   - Travelogues 181