No UI Slider

noUiSlider is a lightweight range slider with multi-touch support and a ton of features. It supports non-linear ranges, requires no external dependencies, has keyboard support, and it works great in responsive designs.

Read more about this component at GitHub.

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var basicNoUISlider = document.getElementById("basicNoUISlider");
if (basicNoUISlider) {
    noUiSlider.create(basicNoUISlider, {
        start: [20, 80],
        snap: false,
        connect: true,
        range: {
            min: [0],
            max: [100],


A vanilla, lightweight, configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency.

Read more about Choices.js on GitHub.

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const choices = new Choices(document.querySelector(".choices-1"), {
    placeholder: true,
    searchPlaceholderValue: "Search",
    itemSelectText: "Select",

const textRemove = new Choices(document.getElementById("choices-text-remove-button"), {
    delimiter: ",",
    editItems: true,
    maxItemCount: 5,
    removeItemButton: true,

const multipleChoices = new Choices("#choices-multiple", {
    removeItemButton: true,


VanillaJS Datepicker is a vanilla JavaScript remake of bootstrap-datepicker.

Read more about VanillaJS Datepicker on GitHub.

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const datepicker = new Datepicker(document.querySelector(".input-datepicker"), {
    buttonClass: "btn",
    format: "mm/dd/yyyy",

const datepickerAutoClose = new Datepicker(document.querySelector(".input-datepicker-autoclose"), {
    buttonClass: "btn",
    autohide: true,

const datepickerMultiple = new Datepicker(document.querySelector(".input-datepicker-multiple"), {
    buttonClass: "btn",
    maxNumberOfDates: 3,

const datepickerRange = new DateRangePicker(document.querySelector(".datepicker-range"), {
    buttonClass: "btn",

imask Input maps

Input masks can be used to force the user to enter data conform a specific format. Unlike validation, the user can't enter any other key than the ones specified by the mask.

Read more about imask at project's homepage.

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var element = document.getElementById("isbn1");
if (element) {
    var maskOptions = {
        mask: "000-00-000-0000-0",
    var mask = IMask(element, maskOptions);

var element = document.getElementById("currency");
if (element) {
    var maskOptions = {
        mask: "$ num",
        blocks: {
            num: {
                // nested masks are available!
                mask: Number,
                thousandsSeparator: ",",
                radix: ".",
    var mask = IMask(element, maskOptions);
e.g "999-99-999-9999-9"
999 99 999 9999 9
$ 999,999,999.99